Swap Task

Task Description:

Swap at least $5 USDC worth of assets. Any assets and routers are acceptable.


Navigate to Ambient Finance on Binance Web3 Wallet.

Switch to Scroll

Click the 'Connect' button.

Select Binance Web3 Wallet.

Click on the 'Trade' button

Select the exchange assets you wish to swap. The asset on the top is what you want to sell, and the asset on the bottom is what you want to buy. Ensure you have enough ETH to cover gas fees.

Input the amount of tokens you would like to exchange. Please note how much slippage tolerance you are willing to accept, and you can set it via the Settings button.

Click the 'Confirm' button.

Review your transaction then click the 'Submit Swap' button.

Confirm the transaction in the Binance Web3 Wallet.

Swap task is complete.

Last updated